National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 45 Objectives: u Establish new bilateral and trilateral cooperations, especially with states where there is a significant number of Cypriots. u Strengthen existing partnerships by planning joint cultural events and actions, but also by better coordinating the promotion of national matters and common interests. u Exchange practices and ideas on the ways and actions adopted by other states to preserve the national identity of the younger generation. u Focus our efforts on the connection of our young expatriates with youth from other countries through joint cultural events and organised visits. u Strengthen cooperation between our students abroad. u Support the holding of regional meetings on the importance of diaspora and migration in addressing challenges and opportunities for a more enhanced regional cooperation in the Mediterranean. u Encourage the organisation of joint conferences in countries where our Diasporas are concentrated and promote cooperation between organised bodies. u Strengthen people-to-people contacts, in particular networking of our entrepreneurs, academics, travel agents, doctors living abroad, so that through their synergies they will be able to help their homeland.