National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

42 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora to raise awareness on the Cyprus problem and to find supporters of its positions in decision-making centres. Furthermore, through these partnerships, the exchange of experiences and know-how with countries that have faced similar situations, especially in relation to the tragedy of missing persons, is particularly useful. Our efforts to tackle Turkish intransigence, defend the rights of Cypriot Hellenism, and promote the Cyprus problem internationally in unison must be strengthened through joint actions planned according to specific policy guidelines. Objectives: u Encourage the further political involvement of Cyprus Diaspora, especially the youth, in the political life of their countries of residence so that they can promote the interests of Cyprus more effectively. u Harness the skills of foreign personalities who maintain close relations with our parishes. u Enrich the means with which our Diaspora will promote Cyprus’s interests in decision-making centres and will attempt to raise awareness internationally. u Intensify the coordination of federations and organisations with the Centre, so that their actions can become more targeted.