National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 41 5. The Cyprus problem The Cyprus problem is and will continue to be a point of reference for any type of National Strategy for as long as the current political situation shall persist. The nearly 50-year occupation of a significant part of our territory by Turkish troops, more than 800 missing persons, the enclaved, our damaged, looted and abandoned cultural heritage are permanently on the agenda of our National Policy on Diaspora. After all, the Turkish invasion and occupation had imposed the need for a more structured and coordinated turn of the State towards Cypriot expatriates. It had been established ever since that our Diaspora in general and, more particularly, our world organisations have a very important role to play in raising awareness internationally about the Cyprus problem and the humanitarian problem of missing persons. Through political contacts, conferences, picketing, marches, events, announcements and letters they have promoted our national positions and interests in important decision-making centres in order to, among other things, exert pressure on Turkey to permit access to military files and militarised regions to determine the fate of our missing compatriots. At the same time, through these actions, they have preserved the memory of the Cypriot community itself, whilst passing these messages on to the new generation, which will hopefully carry the torch forward. The efforts and actions of organised groups within our parishes, led by our world federations PSEKA, POMAK and NEPOMAK, go hand in hand with the Government's actions to promote the Cyprus problem. The annual conferences provide a platform for coordination between organisations and the Centre. Through international cooperation on issues of Diaspora, the Cyprus Government also endeavours