National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

34 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora In this regard, Memoranda of Cooperation have been signed with universities in Cyprus for the development of programmes and the organisation of events focussed on the youth with the aim of bringing them close to their roots, history, culture and civilisation. The programmes include Greek language lessons, Cypriot history, even traditional dances and traditional Cypriot cuisine. In addition, scholarships are offered by universities in Cyprus, exclusively intended for our expatriates to study in Cyprus, as well as scholarships for young people who want to pursue Greek and Cypriot studies at universities abroad. NEPOMAK, through excellent initiatives such as the NDCP (NEPOMAK Discover Cyprus Programme) and NCCT (NEPOMAK Cypriot Culture Tour Programme) enables Cypriots abroad to visit Cyprus and learn more about the culture, history and traditions of the island. It is also a great opportunity to meet and connect with their compatriots from all over the world and build lifelong friendships. These initiatives are subsidised and supported by the Cyprus Government and the Youth Board of Cyprus. Similarly important actions are the organisation of events with a contemporary content where issues of interest and concern to the youth are discussed and where young people can exchange views and connect.