National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

30 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora At the heart of the relationship between the Office and the federations lies the annual organisation of the World Conference held in Cyprus. In this context, the organisations and the Centre coordinate with each other and take joint decisions on initiatives and actions that need to be adopted, especially with regards to the promotion of our national interests in important decision-making centres abroad. Additionally, our organisations and expatriates have the opportunity to be informed by officials of the Cyprus Government about various developments and discuss issues of concern. The role of local organisations in Egypt, Lebanon, Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Scandinavian countries, other European countries, and the Gulf countries is equally important since with their actions they support the work of our world federations and organisations, or even rally Cypriots in areas beyond the reach of world federations and organisations. These organisations undertake works of charity for the benefit of Cypriots all over the world, whilst being the guardians of our cultural identity and traditions, and supporters of our national interests. All this goes to show that the voice of organised groups of the Diaspora is vital in our endeavours for a more extensive and effective connection between Centre and Diaspora. There is no denying their contribution is already overarching. Nevertheless, we must remain vigilant in sustaining their excellent work.