National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

Address by the President of the Republic Our Diaspora, as an integral component of our homeland, has always been a bright beacon of Hellenism around the world. Our Expatriates, as a whole, by maintaining unbreakable ties with their birthplace, are the bearers of the timeless principles and values of our history and culture, as well as the pillar of preserving our identity and national consciousness. The Greek Cypriot expatriates, having set as guiding principle in all of their actions, the conscious, selfless and generous devotion to their homeland, assisted our homeland decisively so that it could go through critical moments in its history and stand on its own feet, contributing the most to the progress and prosperity of our island. At the same time, in addition to this timeless offering to our homeland, for which we feel grateful, they managed to progress, to come a long way in their professional lives, and be acknowledged as a dynamic and productive group of people in their countries of residence. In parallel, by collaborating with the local communities, they developed a strong and active presence in the cultural, social and economic scene, gaining their appreciation and respect. It is in this context that they are recognised as a solid network of strengthening our interstate relations and of exercising international influence in favour of our national interests. It is crucial that the new generation, in which we invest, filled by the same feeling of genuine patriotism, continues the great work, the multifaceted action and important contribution of the members of the Diaspora to our homeland. It goes without saying that the support and cooperation of expatriates has been a source of strength for the current Government, in order to deal with the crises that our country has faced in recent years. Considering the Hellenic Diaspora being among our main priorities, our first concern, as evidenced by the targeted policy that we have adopted, has been the undivided and diverse support of any action, as well as fulfilment of any request, aiming at serving the particular needs of our Diaspora. Moreover, in strengthening and expanding the good cooperation with the entire Diaspora, we consider the bilateral and trilateral cooperation, that we have developed with other states on diaspora’s issues, being of utmost importance. In seeking to enhance the mutually beneficial, two-way relationship with the Hellenic Diaspora, the Office of the Presidential Commissioner, competent for issues related to oversees Cypriots, was entrusted with the drafting of the National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora. National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 3