National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 29 2. Federations and organisations Our organisations and federations are an integral part of our National Strategy but also a crucial actor in its implementation. They constitute a bridge of communication between the Centre and our Diaspora, but also the best fora of coordination and organisation of Diaspora Cypriots. Inevitably, they play a decisive role in gathering and organising Cypriot expatriates, but also in promoting actions. The World Federation of Overseas Cypriots (POMAK), the International Coordination Committee – Justice for Cyprus (PSEKA) and the World Federation of Young Overseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK), as well as our national federations in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand, Greece, Canada, South Africa, Rest of Africa and Rest of Europe, have contributed significantly across all sectors through their long-standing work, and we are grateful for that. An essential part of the role played by our world organisations and federations is the coordination of actions to promote the national interests of Cyprus, especially in relation to the Cyprus problem. At the same time, they constitute a strong channel of communication between expatriates and the Centre. Their members have the opportunity to share their concerns and to communicate them in a structured way to the Government of Cyprus in order to seek for solutions. Moreover, they promote and represent the interests of Cyprus Diaspora before the government of their country of residence, upgrading their position in the local society. Furthermore, they have a decisive role in organising national, cultural, social, political, educational and humanitarian events aimed at preserving the cultural identity of our Diaspora, but also at raising awareness of important political issues facing Cyprus. Through these cultural events, Cypriots are brought together whilst being encouraged to preserve their cultural identity. Also, during trying times, our federations and organisations have successfully coordinated efforts for financial, moral and other assistance to Cyprus. Our organisations, especially NEPOMAK, also give the floor to the youth, which is a key part of the National Strategy and a prerequisite for the sustainability of the relationship between Centre and Diaspora. Through various programmes, they give youth abroad the opportunity to forge ties with Cyprus. At the same time, they become a channel of communication of the Centre's actions to the young generation. The Office of the Presidential Commissioner is in constant contact with world federations in order to coordinate actions but also to learn of the concerns and problems faced by our Diaspora and to try and tackle them.