National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

26 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora selves and Cyprus. They will be able to contribute actively to the promotion of Cyprus in general, as well as to its economic, social and cultural development. Moreover, they too will benefit from this process as they will have the opportunity to promote their work or even gain access to professional opportunities and collaborations. In this context, the dialogue and contacts between professionals abroad and at home should be strengthened in order to enable the development of collaborations, the exchange of ideas and know-how and a discussion of common concerns and challenges. In this way we expect that the expatriate factor will be put to full use for the benefit of all concerned. Finally, the "acquaintance" with the Diaspora and the launch of a continuous and multi-level dialogue will facilitate the recording of the needs and peculiarities of the Diaspora. At the same time, Cypriots of the Diaspora will acquire a more active role in shaping the national strategy and particular actions, and therefore become part of the process. Awareness of the wide range of our Diaspora, its diversity and its needs will make the Centre's actions more targeted and timelier, allowing the full utilisation of the Centre-Diaspora relationship. Every community abroad, every age group even, has its own peculiarities and must be treated accordingly. Actions should therefore be accordingly adapted and developed in order to reach the desired results. To this end, the Office of the Presidential Commissioner has decided the materialisation of a significant project, which is both a governmental commitment and a request of the expatriates: the creation and operation of an online platformfor the registration of Cypriots of Diaspora. Through the platform, Cypriots will be able to provide information on a voluntary basis regarding their area of residence, their profession and their marital status. This is the first organised and coordinated effort to officially record our Diaspora. This platform complements the efforts made at a local level by our federations and organisations,