National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 23 The ultimate objective of this National Strategy is to consolidate, preserve and strengthen the two-way relationship between the Centre and Cyprus Diaspora. The pillars of the National Strategy on Diaspora constitute the main axes that the organised efforts and actions of the Republic of Cyprus shall follow in order to bring the aforementioned goal to fruition. These key pillars are complementary and overlapping. Inevitably, actions towards the achievement of one goal has a positive impact on the other ones. Their relationship is not hierarchical, nor does the fulfillment of one effectively presupposes fulfillment of the other. Coordinated and parallel action in all directions is both necessary and inevitable. The pillars of the National Strategy are the following: u 1. Cypriots of Diaspora u 2. Federations and organisations u 3. The new generation of Diaspora u 4. Our culture u 5. The Cyprus problem u 6. International partnerships u 6+1. Repatriates The first three pillars concern actions that aim at highlighting the importance of specific groups of the Diaspora. The first pillar includes the quantitative and qualitative recording of Cyprus Diaspora and proposes actions to achieve a more active involvement of the Diaspora in the internal affairs of Cyprus. The second pillar underlines the role of global and local organisations, whilst the third pillar is dedicated to the importance of Diaspora youth. The fourth pillar emphasises the crucial role that our cultural identity plays as a means of ensuring the continuation of the relationship between Diaspora and Centre. The fifth pillar is concerned with the Cyprus problem which has been the trigger for a more active engagement with Cyprus Diaspora. The sixth pillar deals with our bilateral and trilateral international partnerships that lay the foundations for the establishment of a strong political framework. Last, the additional pillar is dedicated to the repatriated who decide to return to their homeland, bringing with them their experiences and knowledge. All these pillars make up a holistic political framework that renders the Centre-Diaspora relationship sustainable and effective. C. The Pillars of the National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora