National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 21 tional decision-making centres and to the general promotion of Cyprus. Illustrative examples of such assistance are the moral and material support provided consistently since 1975 by the Cyprus Children’s Fund based in America for the benefit of children and young people of Cyprus and of Cyprus Diaspora; the promotion of our interests in relation to the Cyprus problem, the tragedy of the missing persons, and the preservation of our cultural heritage through picketing, demonstrations, events and letters to the governments of third countries. Additionally, in many instances, organised groups abroad and prominent Cypriots of our Diaspora have coordinated and made contributions to the people of Cyprus for their relief during difficult periods. In recognition of the long-standing and practical support of our expatriates, the establishment and operation of a museum dedicated to the Cypriot Diaspora has been decided. Moreover, in recent years, the presentation of honorary awards by the President of the Republic of Cyprus to expatriates who have distinguished themselves through their work and contribution to the homeland, has been established. It must be noted that the Diaspora does not only assist the Centre but also Cypriot expatriates themselves. In other words, the mobilisation and coordination of the Diaspora is also beneficial to Cypriots abroad. As history has proven and personal experiences and testimonies of our expatriates confirm, it is not uncommon that Cypriots expatriates should be the first willing to help their compatriots abroad when in need. Despite close cooperation and continuous contact between Centre and Diaspora, there are still areas that need to be improved, problems to be addressed and requests to be met. These gaps are addressed by the present National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora.