National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 17 Nonetheless, we live in a critical time in history, faced with a huge challenge. The conditions and circumstances in which Cypriots of the Diaspora live today are rather different from those back in the 60's and 70's. The fourth and fifth generation of immigrants, who were born and raised abroad, is slowly taking the lead from the first generations of expatriates, who had spent a significant part of their lives in Cyprus. Additionally, the profile of Cypriot expatriates has changed from mostly manual workers to highly educated professionals in the tertiary sector. In tandem with the advancement of science and technology, new challenges and opportunities are emerging that require revision and modernisation of current practices. The reality described above highlights the need for a policy that will not adhere to the past but will be looking to the future; a policy that is flexible, modern and up-to-date, leading to the creation of a meaningful relationship between Centre and Diaspora. In light of the above, the revision of the existing National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora becomes more than necessary. The revised National Strategy is called upon to draw on the accumulated experience of years and, responding to the new realities and conditions, to plan a clear and comprehensive framework for action. Moreover, the National Strategy constitutes a detailed and comprehensive effort to set out the broader vision, objectives and individual actions of the Office of the Presidential Commissioner concerning the Diaspora. Hence, the Strategy traces the broader policy framework but also the specific pillars of action through which the central objective, which is the connection of Cyprus with its Diaspora and the utilisation of this relationship for the benefit of both parties, is expected to be achieved. Prior to engaging with the 6+1 main pillars of action, we define the "Cyprus Diaspora" concept, which rests at the heart of the Strategy, before defining the rapport between Centre and Diaspora as a dynamic, evolving and above all mutual relationship.