National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

16 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora Introduction The connection of the Republic of Cyprus with Cypriots anywhere in the world is not subject to temporal or spatial restrictions. The Greek language, civilisation, culture and long history do survive within every Cypriot whose soul beats to the rhythm of his/her homeland. Every single Cypriot expatriate carries a piece of Cyprus within. As long as this piece persists, the relation between Centre and Diaspora will remain unchanged. Thus, our ultimate goal must be to preserve and treasure it. Throughout the first decades of the Republic of Cyprus, and especially after the Turkish invasion, the decisive role of the Diaspora in promoting the interests of Cyprus and its wider prosperity has been amply demonstrated and verified. We cannot but be moved by the unparalleled dedication and steadfast devotion of Diaspora Cypriots towards their homeland, which they have supported and continue to support in every way and by all means. At the same time, as a State, we express our admiration for every Cypriot who succeeds and excels in his/her state of residence and internationally. After all, Cypriots of Diaspora have always been an elite part of Cypriot Hellenism as our best and most effective ambassadors abroad. For a small state like Cyprus, with less than one million citizens, Diaspora is a great asset. It is therefore incumbent upon us to maintain, deepen and strengthen the island’s relationship with its expatriates. The role and potential of the Diaspora were recognised early on by the Republic of Cyprus. The first President of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios, shortly after the Turkish invasion, decided to establish a Service for Cypriot Expatriates, which became operational in January 1977, under the Ministry of Presidency. In 1981, the Service was transferred to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs following a decision of the Council of Ministers. Since October 2016, the Service for Overseas and Repatriated Cypriots has been transferred to the Presidency under the supervision and responsibility of the Presidential Commissioner. The transfer of the Service under the responsibility of the Presidential Commissioner corroborates the central position of Cyprus Diaspora in shaping the country’s political agenda. At the same time, it is a token of recognition of the collective work performed by Cypriot expatriates. The Service for Overseas and Repatriated Cypriots is the connecting link between Cyprus Diaspora and Cyprus. It ensures constant and close contact with Cypriot expatriates, contributing to the preservation of our identity, traditions and culture in their countries of residence and activity. At the same time, it actively assists expatriates with problems and needs that may arise from time to time. The utilisation of the potential of Cyprus Diaspora and the wider Greek expatriate community is an imperative need. Constant political, social and economic challenges faced by our country crucially require the active support of organised groups within our Diaspora. For these reasons, it is not surprising that the further strengthening of the role and the importance we attach to our expatriates remains a central and solid part of our policy.