National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

12 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora Foreword by the Presidential Commissioner My fellow Cypriots, It is with deep emotion and great satisfaction that I preface this edition, which constitutes a rather useful account of our revised National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora. Our own people who, regardless of which country they chose as their second home, live, and breathe sharing the same visions and the same hopes for our homeland. There is a whole other Cyprus abroad with an important and timeless presence over the years in all issues that trouble and concern our homeland. The revision of the National Strategy is imperative, since the profile of Cypriot expatriates has changed, as the fourth and fifth generation has taken over from the previous generations. Their role and capabilities are crucial for our homeland. Therefore, it is necessary, in this context, to formulate a flexible, modern and up-to-date policy that will respond to these capabilities and look into the future. Through our experiences and also our close cooperation with the federations and organisations of our Diaspora over the years, we have proceeded with the Revised National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora. The main pillars of this Strategy cover the entire range of opportunities offered to our expatriates, especially in terms of promoting our national problem, but also with an eye to developing even closer ties with the homeland across all sectors. In particular, the utilisation of the organised groups of the Diaspora, as well as, of the scientists, academics, doctors, and entrepreneurs of our Diaspora, lie at the heart of our strategy. We pay particular attention to our young generation of expatriates, to that youth, who are to be the future leaders of our Diaspora. We seek their further engagement with the parochial and state events taking place in the states they live in, but also, a closer contact with their roots and their traditions. The contribution, cooperation, the voice and practical support of all organised groups of our Diaspora have proven to be vital to our national interests across time. After all, they are Cyprus’ best ambassadors abroad. In the same vein, we consider bilateral or multilateral collaborations with other countries on Diaspora issues as a necessary diplomatic tool for the promotion of common goals and collective interests in important decisionmaking centres abroad.