National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

Address by the President of the World Organisation of YoungOverseas Cypriots (NEPOMAK) On behalf of NEPOMAK, the World Federation of Young Overseas Cypriots, I welcome the revision of the National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora by the Government of the Republic of Cyprus. I believe that this strategy can be a valuable tool, and help to take the thriving relationship between Cyprus and its Diaspora to the next level. Our Diaspora has formed a remarkable sense of community and well-established identity over the decades. Despite living far from Cyprus, we have kept the island in our heart, visited when possible, and continued to celebrate our culture and traditions. Our Diaspora was formed by people who left the island due to poverty and lack of opportunity, or as refugees tragically torn from their home due to Turkey’s illegal invasion and occupation in 1974. Since then, we have proudly maintained our identity and built Cypriot communities around the world. New roots may have been planted, but the Cypriots of Diaspora have kept Cyprus firmly in their hearts and minds. Our Diaspora has grown from first-generation immigrants to a more established and integrated second-, third- and fourth-generation. Cypriots around the world excel in business, science, public service, and countless other fields. Diaspora Cypriots have become pioneering doctors, talented businesspeople, worldleading artists, and even senior government officials. The Diaspora can act as a bridge, carrying Cypriot culture, history and identity to the rest of the world. As we look to the future, we should recognise that diasporas evolve, and that there are many different experiences of being an overseas Cypriot. It is, therefore, important that our Diaspora has broad appeal and continued relevance. Nevertheless, we know that some themes have been repeatedly shown to bring us closer to our roots, including continued traditions, language, dance, an enthusiasm to learn, and the opportunity to visit Cyprus. I am heartened that this is reflected in the National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora. Despite being a relatively small Diaspora, we can take pride in our shared experiences and our unwavering focus on achieving a free, united Cyprus. For decades, the Cypriot Diaspora has depended almost entirely on volunteers who have dedicated their own time and resources. Going forwards, we should reflect on how we can make this more professional and sustainable to ensure that the next generations of our Diaspora can continue the historic work that has come before them. We should also do more to study our Diaspora, and similar diasporas, so that we can learn best practices and better understand how diasporas evolve over time. Once again, I welcome the revised National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora as an important framework for bringing the Cypriot Diaspora even closer to Cyprus and making the most of the powerful and deep-rooted bonds between the Diaspora and the island. Christos Tuton National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 11