National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

Address by the President of International Coordination Committee – “Justice for Cyprus” (PSEKA) Dear Friends, PSEKA, the International Coordinating Committee Justice for Cyprus, was founded in 1976 with the mission to reach out and unite non-Cypriot organisations of Diaspora on behalf of the struggle of the Cypriot people for freedom and justice. Before trilateral agreements were fashionable, PSEKA was sponsoring trips to Athens, Jerusalem and Lefkosia bringing a united front with the American Jewish Committee and other Jewish organisations. PSEKA presented a united front with the Armenian National Committee and joined forces with Amnesty International to create American legislation on the missing. PSEKA welcomes the support of national and international organisations, AHEPA, AHI, ANCA, HALC and coordinates with POMAK and Cypriot federations in every country. After 48 long years of occupation and division, our national strategy should be enlightenment and education of public opinion. The recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia provides a unique opportunity to bring pressure to bear on all freedom loving organisations to support our struggle. Our national strategy was and still is to educate and provide enlightenment. The status quo is unacceptable! The work goes on, The hope endures, and The dream of a free and united Cyprus will never die! Philip Christopher 10 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora