Traditional spoon sweets and jams

8 A feast of flavour Spoon sweets and how to ensure recipe success Offering a traditional spoon sweet (fruit or vegetable preserve) and a glass of cold water to guests to welcome them is an old and favourite tradition that is still pursued until today. People prefer spoon sweets because they are tasty, aromatic and delicious. This is why spoon sweets continue to be served in traditional coffee shops, restaurants and taverns. They are the delicacy of choice for many people when they want to eat something sweet, since they contain zero fat. Being sweets though, they contain sugar and calories, therefore excessive consumption of them should be avoided. Spoon sweets are made with pure ingredients; they are easily prepared and may be preserved for a long time. You can make spoon sweets with almost all fruits like cherries, figs, apples and citrus fruits, with some vegetables like tomatoes, baby eggplants and carrots and also with flower petals like rose petals and Seville orange tree petals. Each fruit preserve has its own method of preparation and specific steps to be followed to make the recipe. By following these steps and dedicating a bit of time and effort you will be able to successfully make a variety of delicious traditional spoon sweets.