Traditional spoon sweets and jams

58 A feast of flavour Orange Method l Wash and strain oranges. l Make slices on the skin and remove the peels in pieces. If the skin is thick, remove the white part. l Boil the peels to wash away their bitter taste, immerse them in cold water to cool and strain. l Remove the pits from the fruit flesh, put the flesh with the peels in the blender and grind. Alternatively use a vegetable mill or finely chop them. l Put the pulp with an equal amount of sugar in a pot and boil over high heat until sugar is dissolved. Just before reaching setting point, add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. l Pour hot marmalade in hot sterilised jars and turn them upside down to seal. l When the jars cool, store them in a cool and dark place. Ingredients 1 kg oranges 1 kg sugar 1 tbsp of lemon juice