Traditional spoon sweets and jams

37 A feast of flavour Ingredients 1 kg carrots (fresh, tender) 3/4 kg sugar 2 glasses of water 50 ml of lemon juice (lemonade) 5-6 cloves vanilla 1 tbsp of lemon juice Carrot Method l Wash carrots well and thinly peel. If they are very big, cut them in medium pieces. l Boil well until fully cooked. l Let them cool and prick them through with a needle. l Immerse them in cold water with lemon juice (lemonade) and leave for about 2 hours. l Meanwhile, boil sugar with water bring syrup to boil, then remove from heat and let cool. l Strain carrots and immerse them in the cold syrup. l Boil the preserve, adding the cloves, for about 10-15 minutes. l The next day re-boil the preserve until it sets. Skim and add vanilla and lemon juice 1-2 minutes before it is done. l Fill the jars, close and turn them upside down to remove the air from inside the jars and seal.