Traditional spoon sweets and jams

34 A feast of flavour Fig Method l Choose unripe figs that are about to ripen. l Thinly peel and immerse in limewater for 2 hours. Remove and wash them very well to remove pickling lime. l Boil water in a pot and cook the figs for 5-10 minutes. Changewater replacingwith boilingwater and continue boiling until fully cooked. They are ready when they drop off easily when pricked with a needle. Strain and immerse them in cold water with lemon juice (lemonade) and leave for 2 hours. l Strain again and fill each fig with an almond. If you are not using almonds, prick them with a needle to avoid shrinking. l Mix sugar with water in a pot, immerse the figs, add cloves and boil over heat for 10minutes, shaking the pot from time to time to help the sugar dissolve completely. l The next day re-boil the preserve until it sets, adding vanilla and lemon juice just before reaching setting point. l Fill the jars, close and turn them upside down to the air from inside the jars and seal. Ingredients 50 medium-sized figs (unripe Black Mission variety) 2½ kg sugar 2½ glasses of water ½ glass of lemon juice (for the lemonade) 50 roasted blanched almonds (optional) 5-6 cloves vanilla 2½ tbsps of lemon juice