Traditional spoon sweets and jams

30 A feast of flavour Strawberry Method l Choose big and firm strawberries. Wash them well and carefully remove their stem. l Place a layer of strawberries in a platter and sprinklewith ½ glass of lemon juice. l Leave in lemon juice for 3-4 hours turning strawberries over at least once. l Mix sugar with water in a pot and place the strained strawberries in a layer. Boil them for about five minutes, shaking the pot at the beginning to help the sugar dissolve completely. l Carefully remove strawberries with a skimmer. l Re-boil the syrup until it reaches setting point. Place the strawberries back in the syrup, which dilutes. Continue boiling until the preserve sets and finally add a tablespoon of lemon juice. l Remove the pot from the heat and shake it to help the foam cluster in the middle and be easily skimmed. l When the preserve cools completely, place it in jars very carefully to avoid strawberries being crushed. Keep in the fridge for one year. Ingredients 1 kg strawberries (not very ripe) 3/4 kg sugar 1 glass of water ½ glass of lemon juice 1 tbsp of lemon juice