Traditional spoon sweets and jams

20 A feast of flavour Quince Method l Wash, peel the quinces and cut them in 3-4 pieces, depending on their size. Place them in a bowl and cover them with water and the juice of 2-3 lemons. l Strain and immerse in a pot with water to boil until cooked (dropping off when pricked with a needle). Do not overboil as they split and melt. l Dissolve sugar in water in the pot, add the strained quinces and boil for 5 minutes. l The next day re-boil the preserve until the syrup sets. Before removing from the heat, add geranium leaves and a tablespoon of lemon juice. l Fill the jars, close and turn them upside down to remove the air from inside the jars and seal. Ingredients 1 kg quinces 1 kg sugar lemon juice (2-3 lemons) 3-4 geranium leaves or vanilla 1 tbsp of lemon juice