Traditional spoon sweets and jams

18 A feast of flavour Apple Method l Use same-sized not too ripe apples. l Peel with a small sharp knife and remove pits with an apple corer. Immerse them in water with lemon to prevent browning. l Heat water with juice of one lemon, immerse apples and bring to boil. l Remove from water, strain, immerse them in water with lemon (lemonade) and leave for about 2 hours. l Place in a pot, sprinkle with sugar and add a glass of water. Leave them for 2-3 hours to release their juice. l Add geranium and boil over high heat until syrup has reached setting point. l Finally, add the lemon juice and boil for one or two minutes. l Fill the jars, close and turn them upside down to remove the air from inside the jars and seal. Ingredients 1 kg ‘firiki’ apples 1 kg sugar 1 glass of water 50 ml of lemon juice (for lemonade) 3-4 geranium leaves or vanilla 1 tbsp of lemon juice