Traditional spoon sweets and jams

1 1 A feast of flavour While still hot, put the fruit preserve (with the exception of high-perishable fruits like strawberries, cherries, apricots) in hot sterilised jars and fill the jars up to one centimetre from the rim. Seal properly, turn upside down and let cool. Then, return to their upright position. In this way you ensure that jars are air-tight sealed to prevent fruit preserves from going bad. When the jars cool completely, store them in a cool, dry and dark place. Small problems and how we address them If syrup crystallises despite all precautions taken, or if the fruit preserve turns bad or gets mouldy, follow one of the steps below: l If syrup crystallises, empty the preserve into a pot, add 2-3 spoons of water, place over the heat and boil for a while. Add 1 spoon of lemon juice. l If the preserve gets mouldy, this does not mean that it has gone bad. Do not remove the mould until you are ready to consume the preserve. At this time, remove the mould with a spoon together with mouldy pieces of fruit preserve. l If the preserve turns sour, empty it into a pot, place over the heat and boil until it reaches setting point again. If it has turned very bad (too many bubbles), then it should be discarded.