Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

89 RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION SDG 12 | Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns EU RANK TREND DECOUPLING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS FROM ECONOMIC GROWTH Resource Productivity and Domestic Material Consumption 19 Average CO2 Emissions per Km from New Passenger Cars 17 Energy Productivity 12 Volume of Freight Transport Relative to Gross Domestic Product 24 WASTE GENERATION AND MANAGEMENT Recycling Rate of Waste Excluding Major Mineral Wastes 21 : Circular Material Use Rate 23 Generation of Waste Excluding Major Mineral Wastes (Hazardous and Non- Hazardous) 3 : Note: Data comes from the Statistical Service of Cyprus. EU rank presents the rank of Cyprus among the EU member states, for the most recent available year. Trend presents the 10-year trend from 2010-2019. Pos, Neg, Neg-Pos, and, Pos-Neg indicate a positive, a negative, a U-shape and an inverse U-shape trend, respectively. Green arrows indicate an improvement in the performance of Cyprus and red arrows indicate a decline in the performance of Cyprus. indicates a constant trend. : indicates that the trend is not calculated, because less than 8 years of data are available. Highlights – 2020 • Cyprus is facing significant challenges regarding responsible consumption and production. • Remaining significant challenges pertain to the generation and recycling rate of waste with severe deficit in achieving the national targets deriving from EU legislation. • Cyprus also underperforms in final energy consumption and resource productivity. • Significant reformmeasures are under way for a more effective and decentralised waste management system. • Cyprus is among the top 3 EU countries with the lowest generation of waste (excluding mineral waste) even though the amount of waste per capita increased from 757kg in 2014 to 930kg in 2018 compared to 1818kg in the EU. Covid Response • The pandemic increased consumption of one-use plastic utensils and personal protective equipment. Looking Ahead • Implementation of the National Action Plan for the Circular Economy introducing new industry requirements for the durability, and high-quality recycling of products. • Intensification of efforts to reach the 2035 goals of 65% recycling of municipal waste and the 10% of treated waste reaching the landfills, as mandated by EU directives on waste management. • Compulsory establishment of separate collection systems for municipal waste by local authorities. • Adoption of the “Pay as you Throw Principle” in municipal waste management. • Wider adoption of the European Eco- management and Audit Scheme aiming to reach the target of 50% of green public procurement. • Adoption of sustainable production by em- phasising on developing a competitive agri- culture sector primarily through agri-tech and strong collaboration with business, higher-ed- ucation institutions, and research centres. • Promotion of sustainable tourism and improvement of agro-tourism.