Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

82 DEVELOPMENT IN NUMBERS VNR 2017 VNR 2020 2017-2020 Growth SDG11 – SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES OVERALL IMPLEMENTATION LEVEL (%) 92.81 77.34 -16.67% Overcrowding Rate (% of population) 1.4 2.2 57.1% Population Living in Households Considering that they Suffer from Noise (% of population) 17.2 15.4 -10.5% Exposure to Air Pollution - Particulates <2.5Μm (µg/m3) 17.2 13.2 -23.3% People Killed in Road Accidents (number per 100.000 persons) 6.7 5.6 -16.4% Recycling Rate of Municipal Waste (% of total waste generated) 16.5 15.0 -9.3% Note: Green shows an improvement of the indicator, while red shows a decline in progress. White colour shows a stable performance.