Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

43 GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES Protection of the Vulnerable & Poor • Reducing child poverty and strengthening social inclusion and social coherence. • Expansion of affordable childcare centres enabling the entry of care takers in the labour market, particularly women with children, contributing to gender equality and to the reduction of the risk of poverty. • Enhancing the infrastructure capacity of Social Welfare Services to act as a guardian for children and adolescents with conduct disorders and unaccompanied minors-asylum seekers. • Provision to persons with disabilities and the elderly of suitable, comfortable, accessible, family-type homes in the community to live with safety, dignity, and quality of life. • Protection and enhancement of welfare for migrants and asylum seekers through projects funded by the AMIF. • Continuation of the Guaranteed Minimum Income (GMI) social benefit. COVID-19 Pandemic Income Support and Protection of Employees & Businesses • Granting ‘Special Absence Leave’ to parents working in the private and public sector for the care of children up to 15 years of age due to suspension of the operation of private and public schools, nurseries, and child care centres. • Special Sickness Leave Scheme for working persons who were quarantined or had to self- isolate or were diagnosed with Covid-19. • Compensation for self-employed and unemployed persons for bygone income. • Wage compensation for Total and Partial Suspension of Operations. of individuals living in overcrowded households (2.2% relative to 17.2% in the EU), and living in households where the total housing costs absorb among the lowest percentage of disposable income (2.3% in Cyprus relative to 9.4% in the EU). Furthermore, Cyprus is 8 th in the percentage of population having reported an unmet need for medical examination and care (1% relative to 1.7% in the EU), and 14 th in the percentage of population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household, respectively (0.5% in Cyprus, relative to 1.6% in the EU). Finally, Cyprus ranks last among the EU27 regarding the percentage of population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor (31.1% relative to 12.7% in the EU) and the percentage of population unable to keep their home adequately warm (21% relative to 6.9% in the EU), holding the 25 th position. On a positive note, the trends of the aforementioned indicators all show an improvement from 2010 to 2019. Promoting a NewGrowth Model • An ambitious investment plan of more than €3.6 billion. Schemes Facilitating the Creation of NewJobs • Wage Subsidies Schemes: Seven schemes were implemented during the period 2016- 2020 which aimed towards helping employers hire unemployed persons. The schemes were addressed to the needs of those unemployed over 50 years old, the disabled, those suffering from chronic diseases, and recipients of GMI (Guaranteed Minimum Income). • The System of Vocational Qualifications (SVQ has been designed for: – The assessment and certification of the competence of a person, to carry out a specific job in real or/and simulated working conditions and for facilitating training programmes. – The Standard Multi-Company Training Programmes for retraining of employed persons.