Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

34 Focus areas The SDG Suitcase Within the framework of cultivating volunteerism and active citizenship in schools, a pioneering educational programme for children is expected to start in September 2021 that includes experiential and other activities for each of the 17 SDGs. All this useful material will “travel” to many schools throughout Cyprus, in a “suitcase”. III. IMMIGRANTS The number of refugees and migrants arriving in Cyprus has risen dramatically in recent years. In 2019, there were nearly 10,000 migrants on the island – up from 2,936 in 2016, 4,582 in 2017 and 7,761 in 2018, according to police statistics. About four percent of Cyprus’ population is currently made up of asylum seekers – that’s more than four times the EU average. Cyprus also has the highest number of first-time asylum applications in the EU per capita. In 2020, the country received about 7,000 asylum applications. Integration and Welfare The protection, welfare and social integration of migrants and asylum seekers are major priorities for the Cyprus Government. The drafting of a multidimensional Strategic Action Plan for the Integration of migrants is currently being prepared with the collaboration of various groups of stakeholders aiming towards setting up the mechanisms that will promote the rights of migrants. Labour market programmes offering vocational orientation and training to third-country nationals were implemented to facilitate their labour market integration while training seminars for employers were offered aiming at developing their capacity to handle diversity and particularly, ethnic, racial and religious diversity in the workplace (SDG10). Under the Asylum Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the social and educational integration of third country nationals (TCNs) took place in Cypriot schools through the systematic training of teachers and education directors in management issues of sociocultural diversity, the set-up of support groups for parents and children, the training of teachers towards encouraging the learning of Greek language and multilingualism. At the same time, the continuing project “Integration Programmes by local authorities” repeatedly offers free computer lessons, English courses and occasionally Arab or Chinese lessons for TCNs. Migrant Information Centres (MICs) operated in the four main cities of Cyprus as a one- stop shop for services to TCNs including applicants or Beneficiaries of International Protection and provided guidance and advice on housing, access to health and education services, family support, completion of official forms, translation and interpretation services. Capacity building of the centres will be accelerated so as to improve access to services, provide guidance/counselling, social and psychological support as well as child care (SDG10). Integration measures for victims of trafficking are being planned. Individual needs of the victim will be assessed that will include a person-centered supporting programme through education and training (e.g. Greek lessons, social skills, access to work), assistance in finding permanent residence, support for repatriation, procedures for reconnection with their family and their social environment and counselling guidance/ support to these victims for a period of 3-6 months after their exit from the shelter. Strengthening the existing structures and operational capacity of the Social Welfare Services in 2020 with the recruitment of 66 fixed-term employees to cope with the rapidly increasing numbers of asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors.