Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

21 COVID-19 – Impact and actions • Special arrangements ensuring safe distancing have been implemented to conduct the video-recorded statements of children-victims of domestic violence. • Targeted post covid-19 interventions combating the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on women and girls are to be considered. DIGITALISATION • New electronic services have been developed to accommodate the constant and urgent needs of the pandemic including the operation of the CYFlightpass for those who want to fly to Cyprus. • Teletracking of close contacts. During the pandemic outbreak, Cyprus’ authorities moved with unprecedented agility and speed, under pressing timeframes, to meet the needs dictated by the “new normal” of lockdowns and social distancing through digitalising services. Without doubt, the pandemic accelerated the digitalisation of many governmental bureaucratic processes that will be permanently adopted enabling Cyprus to achieve digital transformation and embody the ethos of the digital era. VOLUNTEERISM Voluntary actions that addressed the pandemic were coordinated by the Office of the Commissioner for Volunteering and NGOs. The goal remained to activate the minimum number of volunteers with targeted actions, in order to minimise the possibility of enabling the spreading of the pandemic and to protect public health. The services of volunteers and organised groups who have been registered in the “Volunteer Management Protocol in Times of Crisis” were utilised under the strict observance of the instructions and following the protocols of the Office in the implementation of the action they carried out. This initiative received the award of the “Civil Solidarity Prize” by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) honouring civil society organisations, individuals and private companies whose projects have excelled as examples of remarkable solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Initiative “Volunteers to support vulnerable groups during the pandemic” was specifically distinguished for the distribution of food supplies and medicines, and support to vulnerable groups, people who were in mandatory quarantine in hotels, and support with special medication by specialised volunteers for covid-19 cases. More specifically, during the total lockdown in April and May 2020, more than 8,000 actions were carried out, providing food and medical supplies, daily services and assistance to isolated individuals and families. 850 volunteers were activated and the effort was supported by Ministries, NGOs, companies and enterprises, the Support CY Network and other bodies. ENVIRONMENT COVID-19 has increased awareness on the danger for pandemics that may be caused by climate change and tilted the balance in the EU towards generous Recovery programmes, which provide for a significant percentage to be spent on facing the challenges posed by climate change. Even though the pandemic initially put a hold on activities towards the climate change plans, thus posing difficulties in keeping up with the EU and national targets regarding energy efficiency, renewable energy and biodiversity, the additional funds allocated through the latest EU investment due to the pandemic will offer a boost to these efforts to better handle climate change effects. Cyprus via the collaboration of key stakeholders and the utilisation of technology aims to slowly overcome these challenges and has streamlined the following key initiatives: • Temporarily decreased emissions due to the lockdown, the prohibition of flights and of all economic activities. • Proposing reforms and investments to be financed under EU financing tools and