Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

15 Stakeholders’ engagement LOCAL AUTHORITIES • Local authorities have also recognised the need for sustainable development. To this end, many municipalities (e.g. Strovolos, Ypsonas, Latsia, Ayia Napa, Athienou) and local communities (e.g Louvara, Mazotos, Ayios Theodoros) have conducted environmental evaluation studies to help them adapt to climate change. NATIONAL SDSN BRANCH • In 2020 the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN Cyprus) was officially launched in Cyprus. The SDSN Cyprus is governed by a Leadership Council comprised of universities/research organisations, NGOs as well as representatives from the public and private sectors. The Network, in an effort to achieve the 17 SDGs, will handle very important parameters, such as collecting and disseminating best practices, raising public awareness, cooperating with the private sector and civil society organisations. SOCIAL ACTORS’ INVOLVEMENT SURVEY To better understand and evaluate the involvement of the social actor network in achieving the SDGs, a survey was conducted by DG EPCD using a questionnaire answered by various organisations. The responses reveal that more than 90% of the participants have a good or a very good knowledge of the SDGs, and 46% of them have been fairly, or very involved in the development of policies and actions towards achieving them. Furthermore, SDGs 3, 11, and 16 are considered to be the most important goals to be achieved for Cyprus reflecting the need to ensure good health and well-being, create sustainable cities and communities, and promote peace, justice and strong institutions. Moreover, 29% of the participating social actors report being not satisfied with the way the Government highlights and promotes the SDGs, while 25% report being satisfied. The survey’s participants made it clear that there is a deep need for the Government and the social actors’ network to intensify efforts regarding the dissemination of comprehensive and targeted information about the SDGs and the areas they cover to the general public. Furthermore, participants suggested the need for Cyprus to accelerate its efforts concerning the environment, digitalisation, smart cities and communities, and the protection of vulnerable groups including children and women who are victims of abuse, and the elderly. 8% 4% 46% 17% 25% Not at all Slightly Moderately Very Extremely Figure 1.: Social Actors – Satisfaction in Government Effectiveness in Promoting the SDGs NATION-WIDE AWARENESS RAISING ACTIVITIES The establishment of the European Commission’s Multi-stakeholder platform on SDG implementation provides a forum for stakeholders for the exchange of experiences and best practices on strategic and cross-cutting themes. In 2019, the EC Development Communication Network collaborated with the Municipality of Nicosia to raise awareness for the SDGs during the Nicosia International Festival 2019 - Under the Walls, which aimed to revitalise the city centre, with a variety of performing arts (theatre, dance, music) and cultural productions.