Republic of Cyprus Second Voluntary National Report - Sustainable development goals

107 countries, 53% with the European Commission, ranking 15 th among EU countries and 43% with the European Central Bank, ranking 21 st among EU countries (see Figure 37). Most importantly, for all 3 indicators, we observe a U-shaped trend, that is a negative trend from 2010 to 2015, reflecting the disappointment of Cypriots with respect to the solutions offered to Cyprus by these three Institutions (the Troika) during the economic crisis, and gradually turning positive with the achievement of economic growth thereafter. GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES Peace Efforts / Maintaining Peace • The Cyprus Government remains steadfastly committed to reaching a solution of the Cyprus problem through talks under the auspices of the United Nations. The Secretary-General of the United Nations has appointed a Special Advisor in 2018 to resume the negotiation process. Building an Effective Justice System • Reforms: – Efficiency and Functionality of Justice. – Digital transformation of Courts. • Investments: – Training of judges. – Upgrading of the infrastructure of Courts. Modernising the Public Sector • Reforms: – Enhance the administrative capacity, and improve the functioning of public administration for better policy making and implementation. – Regulate flexible working arrangements in the public sector. – Introduce new framework for evaluation and selection process for filling public service vacancies and new regulations for the evaluation of employees’ performance. – Strengthen administrative capacity and transparency through the professionalisation of public procurement and further digitalisation of its process. – Enhancement of the capacity of the Law Office. • Investments: – Rationalisation of the shift system through the implementation of a Roster Planning System. – Digitalisation of the law-making process Economic Policy Modelling Hub. Local Authorities Reform • Reforms: – New legal framework for local authorities and relevant support measures. – Urban land consolidation. • Investments: – Enhancing of the e-system for issuing building permits. Protection of Children • The creation of the Children’s House (funded by state funds) provides, child friendly services to children victims of sexual abuse and/or sexual exploitation, based on a multidisciplinary approach. • The Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Combating of Violence in the Family provides counselling and support services to individuals and families who, due to special psycho-social situations, require either short-term or long- term support. These services include, among others, the prevention and tackling of violence in the family. • Social Welfare Services operate nationwide institutions concerning child protection and the protection of unaccompanied children, approve foster families, and provide monetary assistance and other support services. Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) • The law on Prevention and Combating of Trafficking and Exploitation of Persons and the Protection of Victims provides inter alia, for the protection and promotion of the rights of the victims, including support and protection of child victims of trafficking. • The law on the Prevention and Combating of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Pornography has raised the penalties for serious sexual crimes. • Under the anti-trafficking Law, the National Action Plan will be updated, to give guidelines on the cooperation with countries of origin, transit, or other destination countries of victims, providing protection to victims and developing mechanisms for combating trafficking in human beings. Gender Equality in Foreign Policy • An Action Plan for Gender Mainstreaming in Foreign Policy has been drawn up aiming to promote the rights of women and girls everywhere. • Support of specific programmes and actions related to women’s rights in neighbouring counties, such as Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. Legislative Framework for Anti-corruption • The 2020 law on the Establishment and Operation of the Independent Authority