Master in Business Administration-Prospectus September 2021-October 2022

M a s t e r i n B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 6 The Master in Business Administration Programme This Master in Business Administration (MBA) programme offers students, from a variety of academic backgrounds, the opportunity to prepare for a managerial career. Its overall objective is to provide students with a sound framework of concepts, analytical methods and techniques that will enable them to execute effectively their managerial duties. Expected learning outcomes The Master of Business Administration aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to successfully meet the labor market needs. In addition, it seeks to help them foster positive attitudes and behaviors towards the challenges of the Management field. After successfully completing the MIM Programme students will be able to: Incorporate, in the performance of their duties, the knowledge and skills they have acquired from different disciplines. Successfully meet the challenges of the profession and contribute to the development of the Business Administration sector. Make effective use of information and communication technologies in the performance of their managerial duties. Use quantitative and qualitative methods to make decisions and solve modern problems in the field of administration. Efficiently manage local and international market prospects and information. Apply modern marketing strategies. Effectively manage human resources issues such as recruitment, training and development and performance assessment. Use financial tools to make strategic decisions to ensure the financial stability of their business. Apply responsible business practices and ethical principles to business decision making. Demonstrate leadership skills and encourage teamwork for business decision making. Use critical thinking and problem solving skills as well as decision making techniques. Communicate and interact productively.