Master in Business Administration-Prospectus September 2021-October 2022

M a s t e r i n B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n 15 Strategic Management The course takes a general management perspective, viewing a business holistically and over the long term, examining how policies in each functional area are integrated into an overall competitive strategy. It introduces the key concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. Furthermore, it addresses issues concerning a company such as vision, mission, assessment and strategic planning. Emphasis is given on competitive analysis, the nature of competitive advantage, the structures and control of management processes, diversification strategies, culture and leadership. Ethics, Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility The course introduces students to the concepts of business ethics, sustainability and corporate responsibility. Upon completion, participants should be able to understand how to develop corporate sustainability and responsibility practices and actions aligned with their organization’s strategy, understand and evaluate the ethical aspects of the decisions made through the lens of a corporate code of ethics. Participants will be able to evaluate the impacts of business activities based on the global sustainability Agenda 2030. Entrepreneurship and Innovation The main objective of the course is to enable students to develop the necessary skills for managing innovative entrepreneurial sustainable activities in today’s challenging business environment. The course provides the theoretical and practical framework for the study and analysis of entrepreneurship and innovation. With the completion of the course students should be able to identify, assess and develop a business opportunity. Topics covered include, inter alia, business plans, innovation clustering, franchising, intellectual property protection, diffusion of innovations and the innovation sources.