ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

is considered important ranging from 5.7% for retailers to 31.9% for farmers ( Table 8 ). Thus, most participants agree that UTPs in the agricultural food sector should be regulated by national legislation. We argue that the national legislation for UTPs should be a mix of policies that integrate private, administrative and judicial methods of monitoring and enforcement. Policy and decision makers should seek to reinforce the role and the bargaining power of small businesses in the food supply chain. This might be accomplished through the development of efficient producer organisations, short food supply chains, inter-branch organisations and strategic partnerships. (M. Markou, A. Stylianou, M. Giannakopoulou, G. Adamides, G. Papadavid) Table 8. Selected characteristics of the stakeholders and estimated UTP cost as a percentage of the annual turnover in the food sector, by occupational category and in the overall sample Values in the table present the average of the numerical (quantitative) variables, as well as the relative frequency (%) for the categorical variables. In parenthesis next to the average is the median; n is the size of the sample, which for some variables is smaller than the indicated size due to missing values. 60 RURAL DEVELOPMENT