ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

Table 7. Identified farming systems and their distribution across the study districts a Cereals and fodder crop production is destined for the market and not for on-farm consumption, viz. not for livestock feeding. Identifying Business-to-Business Unfair Trading Practices in the food supply chain of Cyprus Unfair Trading Practices (UTPs) between businesses in the food supply chain have a significant impact on the various stakeholders involved, and on the environment. So far, no attempt has been made at the Member State level for the identification of UTPs in the food supply chain and of their impact on the relevant stakeholders. This study drew on this gap and attempted to identify the UTPs that exist in the Cypriot food supply chain, assess their impact on the involved stakeholders and provide guidelines that will assist the transposition of EU relevant Directive to the national law. To achieve this goal, the study was based on a quantitative survey of a representative sample of businesses using a specific questionnaire. The results showed that particular UTPs do appear in the food supply chain with variable frequency, while the majority of businesses have been victims of UTPs in the last five years. Notably, the estimated cost of UTPs as a percentage of the business annual turnover 59 RURAL DEVELOPMENT