ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENT AND PROTECTION FOR WILDLIFE Mushroom taxonomy The mycenas are a group of delicate and dainty mushrooms, which until now have been poorly known in Cyprus. This study presents the results of a survey of the Mycenas of Cyprus, describing the first eight species collected: Mycena amicta, M. haematopus, M. sanguinolenta, M. seynii, M. pseudocorticola, M. epipterygia, and M. pura. The collection of mushrooms for eating in Cyprus is a popular pastime. Coupled with the excitement of picking mushrooms in the wild is the risk of handling poisonous varieties. The purpose of this project is to provide easy- to-follow guidelines on how to differentiate edible from other look-alike poisonous species to avoid mushroom poisoning among mushroom pickers. ( E. Hadjisterkotis ) The study of the rodents of Cyprus The presence of R. rattus in Cyprus has long been established, while that of R. norvegicus is still debated. In this study, the first body and cranial measurements as well as molecular typing of R. norvegicus specimens were provided. The analysis of mtDNA D-loop sequence confirmed that the analysed samples were R. norvegicus and pointed out the occurrence in Cyprus of at least two maternal lineages of this species. Rats are the most damaging alien predators to have been introduced to Cyprus, having a negative effect on island biota and causing huge damages to agriculture. A natural enemy of rats is the barn owl ( Tyto alba ). Barn owls are species with a restricted habitat, limited by the presence of suitable natural cavities/holes for nesting. In cooperation with the University of Cyprus, under the project ‘ Black Gold’: Revival of the cultivation of Carob tree in Cyprus’ a new more efficient design of nesting box for barn owls was installed. Rattus norvegicus Rattus rattus Barn owls Tyto alba in their nesting box Nesting boxes designed by the ARI ready for instalment of Tyto alba 56 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT