ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

European and National (RIF) Programmes, 2018-2019 Interreg - MED Greenhouses The Interreg MED Project “MED Greenhouses”: “Green Growth through the capitalisation of innovative Greenhouses” started in February 2018 and finished in December 2019. The University of Thessaly in Greece was the lead partner and ARI was the partner for Cyprus. The project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, and it additionally involved partners from the Region of Thessaly, Spain, France, Italy and Albania. The overall objective was to improve eco-innovation capacities of public and private actors in the greenhouse/agriculture sector through stronger transnational cooperation, knowledge transfer and better networks between research bodies, businesses, public authorities and civil societies. ( L. Vassiliou, D. Neocleous) Erasmus+ 2019 - “GreenNet” The Assistant Gardener Curriculum for people with Intellectual Disabilities - GreenNet project aims at improving and innovating theinclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through fostering specific actions within the framework of Adult Education and Rehabilitation for people with intellectual disability (PIDs). ( L. Vassiliou, C. Stavridou) COST Action CA18201 “ConservePlants” The main aim of the COST Action “An integrated approach to conservation of threatened plants for the 21st Century” is to improve plant conservation in Europe through the establishment of a network of scientists and other stakeholders who deal with different aspects of plant conservation from plant taxonomy, ecology, conservation genetics, conservation physiology and reproductive biology to protected area’s managers, not forgetting social scientists, who are crucial when dealing with the general public. ( L. Vassiliou)| Name:overview RIF / RESTART 2016-2020 – SPACES The general objective of the project is to develop the technology that can monitor soil parameters. That technology is the missing link between the classical approach of providing water and fertilisers to plants at certain amounts without knowing the actual state of the soil, and precision agriculture of providing exactly what is required by monitoring the state of the soil, a technique featuring to be the approach of the future. ( L. Vassiliou) 55 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT