ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

which targets the establishment of a modern national infrastructure, capable of collecting and storing soil microorganisms and soil microbial genetic material. One of the main intended applications of soil fertility mapping is the improvement of fertilisation schedules. Excessive use of fertilisers may decrease yields, but it certainly increases production costs and greenhouse gas emissions and pollutes waters. Optimisation of fertiliser inputs in the field needs to balance needs of crops with available quantities of nutrients in soils (assessed with soil analysis) and amount of fertiliser added (determined based on the interpretation of soil analysis). (P. Dalias, D. Neocleous) AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING Application of renewable energy sources in agriculture Greenhouse horticulture and floriculture heavily depends on some form of energy source, since heating during winter is absolutely necessary to maintain production. Heating, however, contributes to a considerable increase in production costs. A study is carried out regarding the heating requirements of greenhouses in different locations in Cyprus and the corresponding CO2 emissions resulting from burning different kinds of fuels. Alternative energy sources, such as solar, shallow geothermal and biomass energy are also being considered. Additionally, the improvement of the efficiency of Photobioreactors is investigated for the cultivation of microalgae to be used as potential energy sources and production of nutrient products. The study on the use of solar energy for the drying of agricultural products was continued, by improving the design of Solar Driers. ( P. Polycarpou ) FLORICULTURE/ NATIVE PLANTS Research activity focused on the evaluation of crop production systems and practices of ornamentals in the open field and/or greenhouses, covering all stages of flower production. More recently, the research activities have been focused on the evaluation of species from the Cyprus flora for potential use in commercial floriculture and landscape. New collaborations and participation in European and other external funded projects were reinforced. Evaluation of endemic and native species of the Cyprus flora for potential use in commercial floriculture and landscaping Cyprus due to the special climatic conditions has developed a rich and unique flora with high percentage of endemism that accounts to 8.6%. These species are ideal for use in commercial floriculture as pot plants and in landscaping due to the fact that they are well adapted to the climatic conditions of Cyprus and possibly require a decreased amount of inputs when under cultivation. The aim of the project is the creation of a collection of different species from the Cyprus flora that have a potential use in commercial floriculture. Specifically, research activities concern the collection of the material from the wild and the development of propagation protocols. Subsequently, their growth and development is studied and evaluated to create cultivation protocols and define possible uses. For example, plants of Euphorbia veneris were collected, propagated and evaluated for their use in green-roof establishments. ( L. Vassiliou ) 54 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT