ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

Other studies related to climate change, sustainable use of soil and water and precision agriculture, 2018-2019 Adjustment of irrigation schedules as a strategy to mitigate climate change impact on agriculture in Cyprus. (P. Dalias, A. Christou, D. Neocleous) Achieving sustainable cultivation of vegetables. Developments in soilless/hydroponic cultivation of vegetables. (D. Neocleous) Irrigation of greenhouse crops; Effects of cooling systems on greenhouse microclimate under Mediterranean climatic conditions; Dynamic assessment of whitewash shading and evaporative cooling on the greenhouse microclimate in a Mediterranean climate. (D. Neocleous) European and National (RIF) Programmes, 2018-2019 Erasmus+ 2018 Competences development perspective IV. The participants were trained in hydroponics. The content of the programme is summarised as follows: Knowledge about hydroponics and its advantages, knowledge and experiences by technical visits to companies and seminars, alternative cultivating techniques emphasising in hydroponics, developing skills to optimise crop productivity. (D. Neocleous) Interreg - MED Greenhouses The programme’s objective is to improve eco-innovation capacities of public and private actors in the greenhouse/agriculture sector through stronger transnational cooperation, knowledge transfer and better networks between research bodies, businesses, public authorities and civil societies. ( L. Vassiliou, D. Neocleous) Horizon IOF 2020 - IoT4Potato An innovative, market-ready smart farming solution supports irrigation, pest management and fertilisation. Leveraging a network of telemetric IoT stations combined with satellite data and scientific models tailored to the specificities of the geographic areas, helps small-scale farmers to tackle those challenges. (A. Stylianou, D. Neocleous) Horizon IOF 2020 - CySloP This use case delivers tailored information to farmers based on the data acquired by IoT devices (low-cost weather stations) regarding high farm input-costs (plant protection, irrigation water). As a result, IoT devices, cloud computing and analytics technologies translate data into services and increase the Total Farm Productivity (TFP) factor, which consequently assures food security (G. Adamides, D. Neocleous) RIF / RESTART 2016-2020 - MAGNET The aim of the action is to provide the basis of a new approach of soil and water resource management in Cyprus that is related to farming, as a means of adaptation to climate change. The novelty of the proposed approach of crop fertilisation and irrigation is that it allows farmers, through geographic information systems (G.I.S.) that combine different layers of information, to retrieve and manage data in a more useful manner. (M. Omirou, D. Neocleous) 51 NATURAL RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT