ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

Collection and ampelographic description of traditional table and wine grape varieties The acquisition of primary and secondary descriptor data, according to the International Organisation of Wine and Vine (OIV) standards, of the traditional table grape varieties ‘Veriko’ and ‘Sideritis’ and the wine grape varieties ‘Mavro’, ‘Xynisteri’, ‘Ofthalmo’, ‘Spourtiko’, ‘Maratheftiko’, ‘Morokanella’, ‘Omio’, ‘Promara’, ‘Skouro Mavro’ and ‘Kanella’ and other autochthonous varieties has continued. (S. Savvides) Evaluation of traditional wine grape varieties ‘Maratheftiko’ and ‘Xynistery’ grafted on American rootstocks Evaluation of the traditional wine grape variety ‘Maratheftiko’ and ‘Xynisteri’, grafted on the American rootstocks 110 Richter, 3309 Couderc, 41B, 99 Richter, 420A and 140 Ruggeri, were performed at Kilani and Kannaviou respectively. Both varieties were evaluated in terms of yield, fruit quality and earliness. (S. Savvides) Management and conservation of grapevine genetic resources The long-term objective of this project is to preserve and study in-situ populations of wild vines as well as of old and neglected varieties and to promote their future utilisation. Wild vine plants have been recorded in six locations: Ayia, Stavros tis Psokas, Potamos tou Limniti, Potamos tou Pyrgou, Platys and Saramas. All plants are located along water streams and are found as climbers on the stems of pine and deciduous trees. Until now, more than 240 individual plants have been recorded. Work is still in progress for the in situ evaluation and morphological characterisation of all individual plants. An ex-situ collection has been established at Saittas Experimental Station with more than 130 wild vine accessions collected from the above locations (S. Savvides) DECIDUOUS FRUIT TREES Characterisation and evaluation of local pomegranate clones ( Punica granatum L.) Research regarding the evaluation of selected local pomegranate clones, planted at the Zygi Experimental Station, has been implemented as part of an interdisciplinary research programme under the coordination of the Postharvest Technology Laboratory. The purpose of this study is the characterisation and evaluation of local pomegranate clones concerning phenological, pomological-morphological and production characteristics. In particular, phenological development stages, growth and productivity of clones, morphological and qualitative characteristics of fruits, were examined in terms of yield and quality. (S. Ioannidou) Evaluation of cherry varieties ( Prunus avium L.) Examination of nine cherry varieties (Prunus avium L.) has produced results in terms of production, fruit quality and maturation period. An experimental plantation of the varieties was established at Saittas Experimental Station. The varieties evaluated are: ‘Bigarreau Burlat’, ‘Black Tartarian’, ‘Utah Giant’, ‘Bigarreau Ferbolous’ (Verdel), ‘Bigarreau Summit’, ‘Bigarreau Fercer’ (Arcina), ‘Bigarreau Reverchon’ (Souche sandar), ‘Bigarreau Lapins’ and ‘Van’. The aim of this work is to investigate the behaviour of Cherry varieties under the local agro- climatic conditions of Cyprus, in order to result with varieties that have excellent fruit quality. In addition, the evaluation of maturity time within the season was measured, in order to satisfy market needs for longer periods. (S. Ioannidou) 20 FRUIT TREES