ARI Biennial Review for 2018-2019

has been pursued. Genebank and herbarium activities focused on the collection, ex situ conservation, characterisation, evaluation and utilisation of plant genetic resources, including native plants of the flora of Cyprus and local landraces. Research activity in Agrobiotechnology encompassed molecular biology, food science, agricultural microbiology and agricultural chemistry projects. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of natural products such as essential oils and plant extracts have been investigated. The impact of treated waste water use on the microbial load of fruits and vegetables has been explored. Bacteria able to degrade fungicides and herbicides have been isolated and characterised, and the same approach was used for the remediation of other recalcitrant pollutants such as petroleum hydrocarbons. Screening of local isolated microalgae strains was performed in order to isolate efficient and promising strains for biofuel production and added-value co-products. Research activities in Soil Science related to the design and application of closed hydroponic systems adapted to Cyprus conditions. Emphasis has also been given to the utilisation of endemic plants for floricultural purposes. Increasing water use efficiency, preventing pollution and using environmentally friendly local substrates have been among the main objectives. The potential for using biomass for biofuel and energy production in Cyprus and the use of agricultural waste products and by-products have been examined. In Animal Production research aimed at enhancing productivity through improved breeding methods, management techniques and feeding practices. The effects of artificial rearing practices on lamb and kid growth and on dam milk performance have been investigated. The genetic improvement of economically important characters, such as milk, meat, and fecundity, has been pursued by methods of selection. A project for combating the scrapie disease in sheep, using molecular-genetic methods, has been successfully implemented. The Chios sheep unit of ARI at Athalassa has been transformed into a nucleus herd of about 500 disease-resistant animals, which provides farmers with scrapie-resistant stock of high genetic value. Additional studies have been initiated to combat the scrapie disease in goats, by characterising further the various scrapie genotypes in the ARI Damascus goat unit. Agro-economic studies have been at the core of activity related to Rural Development, as time-series data and market prices were utilised for the prediction of market trends for crop and animal products. Targeted studies, commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and the Environment, have been conducted on agricultural economics and the trade of agricultural products. Work on robotic technology in agriculture has also been conducted and the newly established Remote Sensing Laboratory (RSL) continued its work on remote sensing and geo-information for agricultural and environmental applications. The contribution of the ARI to agriculture and the environment has been valuable and substantial; it has contributed through concerted actions to the improvement of agricultural production in Cyprus, by generating solutions to emerging problems and by introducing innovative technology, thus promoting a better future for the Cypriot farmer. Furthermore, the ARI has functioned as a pivotal center for collection, evaluation and dissemination of information on agricultural matters and technology, and has incorporated in its scope of activities the training of scientists, agricultural extension officers, technicians and farmers. The selection of the ARI by the European Commission in 2000 as a Center of Excellence in Agriculture and Environment has constituted a landmark recognition reflecting on the high standard of scientific research conducted, and on its contribution to agricultural development and the protection of the environment. It is a pleasure for me to acknowledge both the tireless efforts of the ARI staff and their commitment to quality research, which remains the foundation for all future achievements. Dr Dora S. Chimonidou Director 12 DIRECTOR'S REPORT