State General Laboratory Annual Report 2019

4 State General laboratory Annual Report 2019 e) the further expansion of the scope of its accreditation as regards the international standard EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 to new parameters, new product substrates and new analytical methods, (f) its contribution to the effective response on food crises (e.g. food poisoning), environmental crises (e.g. marine pollution), and other emergencies (e.g. crime, murders, unnatural deaths, drug cases), antimicrobial resistance to antibiotics, the standardisation of traditional products of Cyprus, g) its contribution to the classification of Cyprus as the first at European level in the microbiological purity of the bathing waters of its beaches, h) the representation of Cyprus at European and international level, as being the Cyprus Contact Point, on issues of Food Safety and Quality, Human Biomonitoring, Environment and Health, etc (i) the representation of the EU in European and international fora in areas such as human biomonitoring, j) the organisation in Cyprus of important European conferences and meetings related to its responsibilities, such as the "European Network of Forensic Science Institutes". The SGL is a scientifically mature, accredited organisation, which contributes to the socio-economic development of the country and the upgrade of the quality of life of the Cypriot citizens. At the same time, it can and should contribute to further promotion of Cyprus’s role in the European Union’s scientific activities: that is why it continues its efforts aiming at its recognition as a "Center of Excellence". The construction of its new building, among other things, will contribute its utmost to this end. After the inclusion in the state budget of 2018 of a relevant amount for the initiation of its construction - with a time horizon for its completion the year 2023 - the necessary procedures for the start of the implementation of the project were also continued during 2019. The constant support of the Director General of the Ministry of Health and the Minister of Health, whom we thank in par- ticular, as well as the support of other collaborating Public Services and partners, the SGL manages to carry out its work and achieves its goals. The hard work, dedication and responsibility of the staff of the SGL - to which I express my deep gratitude and apprecia- tion, the commitment to SGL’s vision as well as the actions taken and the goals achieved in 2019, make it a year of suc- cess, with a positive impact on the society and the economy of the country. In conclusion, I do hope that this publication will be a valid source of information for all Competent Authorities and stake- holders on SGL’s work, and for all citizens in general, so as to create a relationship of mutual trust and good cooperation based on scientific integrity and transparency. Dr Stelios Yiannopoulos Director of SGL Excellence. The foundation to a better quality of life.