State General Laboratory Annual Report 2019

25 State General laboratory Annual Report 2019 B. Extension of the scope of its accreditation as regards international standard EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2005 to new methods, new substrates and new parameters. Some of these methods are accredited with a flexible scope. C. Expansion of the official controls to cover new parameters or categories such as: Foodstuffs area:  Application of chemo-metric techniques in spectroscopic and other control data to verify the authenticity of food and beverages  Expansion of the scope of the method for the determination of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables with 12 new analytes  Development of a method for the determination of Colistin in products of animal origin.  Detection of authenticity of sardines  Detection of adulteration of squid foodstuff with trapsalo  Detection of new allergens in foodstuffs  Detection of new genetic modifications in foodstuffs  Microbiological control of ready-to-eat seeds and cereal, pasteurised donkey and goat milk, fruit yoghurt for children, vegan "cheeses", frozen veggie burgers and seafood (from supermarkets), sandwiches from bakeries and kiosks, cheeses in brine from groceries and fresh eggs from hotels  Microbiological control of packaged ground coconut and sesame seeds from the market for correlation to the relatively high incidence of salmonella in these foodstuffs at border inspection points Consumer / Industrial Products Safety:  Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in rubber products (e.g. safety tiles for playgrounds, steering wheel covers, gloves, shoes) Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology:  Detection of six New Psychoactive Substances that were reported for the first time in Cyprus  Development of new multi-parametric methods in urine and blood using Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) D. Prompt and effective response to food crises and other crises / incidents that occurred in 2019, in coopera- tion with the respective Competent authorities, such as: