State General Laboratory Annual Report 2019

20 State General laboratory Annual Report 2019  "Customs 2020" Programme :  EU Customs Laboratories European Network (CLEN) for harmonisation and joint actions, and Working Groups of the Programme (Actions 1 to 6)  EU Customs Laboratories Expert Team (CLET) on a programme to collect and exchange specific analytical experiences at EU level  EU Customs Working Groups (CLEN) Project Group on Compliance Assessment, Use of Precision Data and Statistics  EU Customs Laboratories Working Groups dealing with new psychoactive substances  European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI) for drugs, arson, gunshot residues and explosives  Expert Working Group on Analytical Methods of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)  Network of Official Medicines Control Laboratories of the Council of Europe (EDQM-OMCL) in cooperation with the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and other subcommittees of the Network  Committee for Cosmetics and consumer health (CD-P-COS) and Committee of Experts on Cosmetic products (P-SC-COS) of the Council of Europe  Committee for Food contact materials and articles (CD-P-MCA) of the Council of Europe Furthermore, in 2019, the SGL:  Continued participation in the following:  The evaluation of EU research proposals for funding and in the Programming Committee of the "Horizon2020" (Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture, Marine, Maritime and Inland Water Research and Biomonitoring) for research, etc  The Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Health for the development of a strategy for research, and the approval of applications for applied research within the various departments of the Ministry  The integration, enrichment and extension of the "European Bank for the Isotopic Characteristics of Wines" (as scientific coordinator of Cyprus and Greece), coordinated by the EU’s Joint Research Center (JRC) in implementation of Regulation (EC) 555/2008  The Working Groups of the Council of the EU for the formation / modification of the European legislation  The Management Board of the European Joint Research Programme on Human Biomonitoring (HBM4EU) representing the Ministry of Health, and being the Cyprus scientific coordinator of the project. It also represents HBM4EU in European and international forums on Mercury issues