State General Laboratory Annual Report 2018

35 State General Laboratory Annual Report 2018 ENVIRONMENT The EU strategy for the Environment and Sustainable Development is a framework for a long-term vision of sustainable development, where economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protec- tion go hand in hand and are mutually supporting. To this end, the 7th EU Environment Action Programme (2012- 2020) includes a com- prehensive environmental policy to be implemented according to the principles of sustainability, prevention, the principle of "the polluter pays" and the reparation of the pollution at source. The substantial contribution to the implementation of such policy is one of the key objectives of the SGL. The SGL contributes significantly to pollution prevention and effective treatment having developed 20 control- monitoring-surveillance programmes that meet the EU environmental legislation and enable the early identifi- cation of accidental or malicious contamination. Surveillance and control is carried out based on annual and multiannual programmes in the areas of Water , Effluents and Atmospheric Air . It has a unique infrastructure to cover chemical, microbiological, bio- logical, eco-toxicological and radiological aspects of environmental monitoring and pollution control of water as well as Human biomoni- toring to detect the environmental impact to human health. Seven specialised laboratories provide a wide range of highly sophis- ticated analytical services, which keep abreast with the latest world- wide scientific and technological trends. The SGL, as a vital supporting service of the environmental authorities, utilises its state-of-the-art infrastructure and expertise aiming at the following:  Continuous support, development and implementation of the environmental policy and legislation by providing reliable laboratory results and expertise.  Development of effective mechanisms for the early detection of pollution. The ultimate goal is to contribute to the prevention and the long-term safety and sustainability of the water resources.  Investigation of the links between environment and health and, in particular, the effects of pollution on health, which aim at the prevention and reduction of potential health hazards originating from environmental factors, as well as support of political decisions. Emphasis is also given to the quality of indoor air and the effects of toxic substances on children. In addition, human biomonitoring is being developed in order to investigate the real levels of toxic substances in the human body.  Furthermore, new programmes are being developed that focus on new potentially dangerous substances and emerging hazards, such as pharmaceuticals in waste water.