State General Laboratory Annual Report 2018

18 State General laboratory Annual Report 2018 DEVELOPMENT POLICY AND STRATEGY In the context of the Administrative Reform of the Public Sector, the SGL has modified its strategic plan and connected it with its activities for implementation. At the same time, it has revised its performance indicators which have now been linked to the more effective monitoring of budget implementation, in connection with its strategic planning. The development policy and strategy of the SGL is based on its vision and mission and it sets the organisation’s priorities which aim towards:  Its development as a Centre of Excellence and Regional Reference Centre in the areas of its competence (food quality and safety, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, environmental protection and crime investigation),  Its significant contribution, as a counsellor of the State, in responding promptly and in a reliable manner to crises and problems that cover areas under its remit, having an active, scientifically robust and meaningful role in the implementation of the National Strategy,  Its contribution, through its scientific work, to the economic and social development of the country, and  Its sustainability, as a high quality and state-of-the-art center of integrated services, expertise and applied research whose scientific contribution can be classified among the best in Europe. COOPERATION NATIONAL COOPERATION In order to achieve its objectives, the SGL cooperates at national level with almost all Ministries and com- petent Authorities, municipalities, governmental and other organisations, universities and institutions. It also offers paid services to individuals. EUROPEAN / INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION The SGL also expands its European and international cooperation so as to improve even further its scientific progress, to enhance capacity-building and exploit sources of external funding. Through this cooperation, there is an exchange of knowledge and experience with other EU Member States and countries. At the same time, the SGL has the opportunity to demonstrate the activities and skills of a small Member State and its adaptability to cope with new requirements and challenges.