Glyn Hughes 1931 - 2014

49 Endnotes 1 Christoforos Savva and Glyn Hughes, ‘Apophasis Gallery,’ Κυπριακά Χρονικά ( Cyprus Chronicles ) 1/1 (1960), p. 24. 2 Ibid. 3 Written account of Glyn Hughes’ memoirs as narrated to Charalambos and Vaso Sergiou during the period May 1997–May 1998. 4 Evgenia Petronda, ‘Autumn Collection (‘Apophasis’ Gallery),’ Νέα Εποχή ( New Age ) 21 (1960), p. 24. 5 This essay does not look into the art of Turkish Cypriots or that of artists of the other communities of Cyprus. 6 Yiannis Toumazis, 1960–1974: Young Cypriot Artists at the Dawn of the Republic (Nicosia: NiMAC [The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Associated with the Pierides Foundation], 2002). Exhibition catalogue, p. 13. 7 Yiannis Toumazis, ‘The Legacy of Tony Spiteris for the Cypriot participations in the Venice Biennale,’ in Cyprus in Venice1968–2009: 40 Years in the Venice Biennale of Art , eds. L. Michaelidou and Y. Toumazis, (Nicosia: NiMAC The Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre, Associated with the Pierides Foundation] and Cultural Services, Ministry of Education and Culture, forthcoming). Exhibition Catalogue. 8 Gabriele Detterer, ‘The spirit and culture of artist-run spaces’, in Artist-Run Spaces : Nonprofit Collective Organizations in the 1960s and 1970s , eds. Gabriele Detterer and Maurizio Nannucci (Zurich: JRP-Ringier, 2012), p. 11. 9 Marshall McLuhan and Quentin Fiore (eds.), The Medium is the Massage: An Inventory of Effects (New York: Bantam Press, 1967). 10 Gabriele Detterer, ‘The spirit and culture of artist-run spaces’, pp. 10-11. 11 Ibid. 12 Eleni S. Nikita, Christoforos Savva: The Beginning of a New Era in Cypriot Art ( Χριστόφορος Σάββα: Η Απαρχή μιας Νέας Εποχής στην Κυπριακή Τέχνη ) (Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, 2008), p. 97. 13 Christine Savva-Duroe, ‘Christoforos Savva, as I knew him’, in Christoforos Savva: His Life and Work (Nicosia: Cultural Service, Ministry of Education, 1988), p. 10. 14 Ibid, 11-12; Eleni S. Nikita, Christoforos Savva , p. 15.