Glyn Hughes 1931 - 2014

47 Conclusion The foundation for the evolution of art on the island of Cyprus was laid in an important meeting, resulting in a crucial decision: to establish Apophasis Gallery. Its place in the then post-colonial Cyprus still influences the shape of the art community today. The personal relationship between two male artists, Glyn and Christoforos, the nature of which we will probably never understand fully, was a novel and radical leap toward the development of art in the country. In such a simple way, the first artist-run space in Cyprus was set up. Today’s proliferation of similar venues on the island, almost sixty years later, shows the immense importance and success of the two young artists’ works, Christoforos Savva and Glyn Hughes, who in 1960 joined their anxieties, concerns and common visions, co-habiting creatively and urging, by personal example and through their artworks, the public to move towards the future. The important legacy of the Apophasis and its two co-founders –albeit short-lived– has essentially defined Cyprus’ visual arts course in perpetuity. Epilogue Glyn Hughes was admitted to a care home in Limassol in 2012. On 23 October 2014, he passed away at Limassol General Hospital, where he was transferred following a cardiac arrest. Glyn always treasured his valuable and creative relationship with Christoforos Savva and its tangible results. For about thirty years, he kept his collection with the works of Savva and his own, as well as all the related mementos and objects –irrefutable proof of their wonderful synergy during the years of their acquaintance– under lock and key. Hughes’ narratives on which this text was based were provided to his friends, artists Charalambos and Vaso Sergiou from May 1997 to May 1998. May was always very important to both Hughes and Savva. Yiannis Toumazis