Glyn Hughes 1931 - 2014

43 Waterhouse, whom he married in November 1964. In early 1965, the Apophasis was closed and Savva and Christine moved to 2 Vyzantiou Street, Nicosia, although he continued to earn a living by working in the Apophasis tavern. 53 In September 1965, his first child, Ghika, was born. 54 Savva’s life decisions along with the closing of the Apophasis clearly amounted to momentous changes in the lifestyle and creative process that Hughes had enjoyed for so long. Hughes evokes: “I lost him then for some time. My colours were different. I was applying objects, newspapers, shirts on my work, leading me politically to my seventies work... without Savva. I was playing my own Guernica tunes with our naïve figure. The synergy with Savva, that brought to existence so much, was leading me to more artistic relationships and theatrical installations and performances a few years later.” 55 Christoforos Savva died in Great Britain after a short illness on 13 July 1968. He had just returned to Sheffield from Venice where he represented Cyprus in its first official participation in the 34th Εικόνα 2 . Γκλυν Χιουζ, Ο Αθλητής , 1962, μικτή τεχνική σε καμβά, 70x120εκ. Ίδρυμα Γκλυν Χιουζ. Figure 2 . Glyn Hughes, The Athlete , 1962, mixed media on canvas, 70x120cm Glyn Hughes Foundation.