Glyn Hughes 1931 - 2014

349 parked in every corner. When I see cars parked on pedestrian crossings, I kick them. Very often this country is fascist. I don’t see why those who have a car should have more rights than those who do not. The world is perplexed today, everywhere. So I shut my door and I draw phallic symbols. And I fight them in my way. Which is the first artwork you can remember? In my mother’s living room there was a picture of my uncle who had died in Turkey when I was fifteen. Near to it was a painting of a boy, dressed in blue velvet. I also remember showing to my teacher –I must have been eight– a completely abstract painting. When I was young, I remember seeing things in an abstract way. What makes a work of art? For me it is the time I do something and do not know what on earth it is I’m doing. When I’mmaking a painting without thinking. I may be painting two penises, but in reality it’s me fighting the enemy. Why do we need art? Art is us. It is ourself. Will the retrospective exhibition that was staged in your homeland, Wales, be presented in Cyprus too? The truth is I wasn’t thinking along those lines, because I presented so many exhibitions here, and I always think about what to do next. I don’t think retrospectively. On the other hand, no one proposed it any way. What can we do, maybe after I die...