Glyn Hughes 1931 - 2014

321 Glyn was a collector by nature and he always collected works by friends but also by artists whose work he felt close to. In the following pages you will see works from Glyn’s personal collection by the artists: Peter Blake, Sandra Blow, Lilian Bomberg, Edward Burra, Maurice Cockrill, John Craxton, Bernard Farmer, William Gear, Duncan Grant, Andrian Heath, Roger Hilton, David Hockney, John Hoyland, Alain Lowdes, Henry Mundy, David Nash, Panamerenko, George der Parthogh, Serge Poliakoff, William Scott, Alfred Wallis, Vlassis Kaniaris, Marina Karella, George Mavroides, Takis and Yiannis Tsarouchis. Glyn Hughes’ Personal Collection of Artworks Margaret Mellis Ξύλινη κατασκευή, περ. 1980, ξύλο, 32x130x17εκ. Wooden construction, c. 1980, wood, 32x130x17cm